Thursday, February 23, 2012

What do Kentuckians think about childhood obesity?

Hi, everyone! So being that I am from Kentucky, I thought it would be interesting to find some child obesity statistics for the state. The following is some of the information that I found! Did you know that in Kentucky, 37% of children ages 10–17 are overweight or obese, compared to 32% of children ages 10–17 across the nation. Kentucky has the second highest rate of childhood overweight and obesity in the U.S. Those statistics are alarming. Most individuals are too busy worrying about their own lives that they don't take the time to stop and look at our younger population and how their weight is changing everyday. After seeing those stats, The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky decided to ask the adult population of Kentucky two very important questions: 1) Some people say childhood obesity is a problem in Kentucky, while others do not. Would you say childhood obesity is a serious problem, a problem but not serious, or not a problem? and 2) Do you favor or oppose requiring schools to provide 30 minutes a day of physical activity or physical education to students? They responded with 55% saying that obesity in children is a serious problem, while 35% said it is a problem, but not serious. Really? 35%....that's a large number! We have to get these people over to the good side :) and 86% of the population that was asked about the second question said they strongly favor having at least 30 minutes of PA each day or a health education class with 9% saying they somewhat are in favor.

Hopefully, this is a good start to opening up people's eyes to reality!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stats! Also the CNN article is right on!! Keep up the good work. You will want to make sure you are keeping up on the posts in terms of timeliness during the semester.
